• Our Supporters

    We have terrific support from local community organisations and business's

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    Police Crime Commissioner

    The Police Crime Commissioner for Cheshire has been very supportive of our club and it's junior members. They have recently made a significant donation to enable us to reduce our Junior class fee from £3 to £2 as part of helping to cope with the cost of living crisis. For some of our Juniors this reduction enables them to continue boxing at all our classes when they would otherwise have to miss them.


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    Holroyd Foundation

    The Holroyd Foundation has been established by Bill & Julie Holroyd and seeks to promote health, welfare, education and opportunity with particular emphasis on young people. The foundation has provided hugely welcome financial support for South Cheshire ABC which has enabled us to purchase new equipment for the Gym.

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    Cheshire Community Foundation

    The aim of the Cheshire Community Foundation is to make the people of Cheshire sit up and take notice of what is happening on their doorstep. They connect the people who want to give back with the most effective grass-roots charities and not-for-profit organisations, directly helping those most in need and have provided grant funding to South Cheshire ABC to enable us to buy a wide range of equipment..

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    Crimebeat Cheshire

    South Cheshire ABC have a terrific relationship with the Cheshire Constabulary who have been really supportive through the Crimebeat scheme. Our partnership includes regular help from local PCSO's who do pad-work with our youngsters and give talks on bullying, drugs and knife-crime. One of the key objectives of the club is to give an outlet to youngsters who might otherwise be meeting the police in different circumstances

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    England Boxing

    Our club is fully affiliated to England Boxing who provide training courses for all our coaches and a wide range of help with operating a boxing club

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    Our Volunteers

    Financial help for the club is really brilliant but we wouldn't have a club without the help our our superb volunteers who get involved with everything from coaching, administration and accounts to fund-raising and applying for grants. We always need more help with all sorts of things boxing and non-boxing so if you are able, get involved - you'll be really welcome.

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    Sportscape offer sports based activities throughout Cheshire and now include boxing supported by South Cheshire ABC. This gives us wide exposure to all sorts of children who haven't seen boxing as something accessible to them before. As well as being great for children's health and fitness, they can progress from the school based sessions to joining the club and making boxing "their sport".

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    Our Parents

    Our club is a community club which relies on the support of everybody involved in our youngsters lives. Our parents are a vital part of this, bringing them to the club, paying their subs, buying them kit and giving them unconditional encouragement.


    They understand that:

    • These are children
    • Boxing is fun
    • The coaches are volunteers
    • The refs are volunteers
    • This is not an Olympic trial